...happy world :)

Our activities

Support for children in Africa

The main activity of our organization is to support most vulnerable children and families in Africa, but also in other parts of the world where there is  a need. This activity is non-profit.

Talks for primary schools

We also think about the children living in our country and organise talks for them in schools on various topics that are important for their lives.

Summer suburban camp

During the summer holidays we organize a suburban camp for children, but away from the hustle and bustle of the city in a pleasant environment :).

About us...

We are a non-profit organization and our mission is to make the world of children happier and better. Although our main activity is to support and help provide the basic needs of children living in Africa or in other parts of the world where it is needed, we do not forget about the children living in our country. Children's needs may vary depending on their living conditions and situations, but this does not mean that any of the needs are less important. And we want to be there for the children and do our bit to ensure that they have a happy childhood, if only for a little while, which will help them grow into strong and healthy individuals with faith in themselves and a better world. 



Make the children's world a happier place with us :).