Hakuna matata suburban summer camp


Summer scents of warmth, sun, joy and also Africa! After a busy programme during the school year, children deserve to relax and enjoy themselves during the summer holidays. But that doesn't mean that they can do whatever they like at our camp :). A colourful programme in the spirit of Africa awaits them, and through games they will get to know the local nature, culture and life of the local children a bit better. We will also relax, rest, swim in the nearby ponds, play games in the forest. An art workshop with the artist Jarmilka Jiravová is waiting for us under the open sky, from where the children will take home their masterpieces with an African topic. The programme will also include games, music and dancing in the rhythm of African bongo flavour. But there will also be time for free fun, which children also need. We will not force anyone to do anything. Above all, we want the children to be happy. But we will do our best to keep them involved and enjoy the week to the fullest. We'll spend time together in the rhythm of pole pole, hakuna matata... :)

Location: to be specified

Date: approximately second half of July

Capacity: max. 30 children

Age category: from 7 to 11 years

Time and duration: weekly camp every day from 8.00 - 16.30