Nursery school Kikavu
The facilities of government schools and nurseries in Tanzania are very modest. In kindergartens, children are not prepared for primary school through play like children in our country. No rugs, cushions, games, toys, garden with equipped outdoor play area, special programs, trips, events, worksheets, creating and making. Children as young as four years old are learning to read, write and count. And they're doing great! They sing, they learn poems, they draw, but there is not as much space for play and fun as here. The basic equipment they need for kindergarten is a uniform, 3 kinds of exercise books, a pencil, a pencil sharpener and an eraser. Of course, the teachers would love to provide the pupils with the best conditions, facilities, equipment, materials and tools, but there are not enough funds for that. So they have to make do with what they have. There are about 8O children attending this small preschool this year. They rotate in two groups. They have two teachers who are very nice and very grateful for all the support. The exercise books, pencils, crayons, glues or colored papers, sometimes even some sweets :), make them very happy. We also regularly supply them with flour from which they cook porridge for the children. We plan to support the nursery in the long term. We would like to do much more for them than just supply the most basic necessities, although even that means a lot here. We would like to help them to improve their conditions and the quality of their teaching, as they themselves see suitable and necessary.