What is waiting for us on our next trip to Africa?


Well, you never know, especially in Africa :). But for sure a lot of unforgettable moments and happy and smiling faces. I will go on my next trip at the beginning of April. March, April and May are the months of the big rainy season in Tanzania. We will see what the weather allows. The climate has really been changing a lot the last few years, so we are hoping that the season will bring plenty of the expected moisture and do as little damage as possible. In addition to working on private projects, our main plan with Happy Childhood is to start the LISHE project - nutritional support for little children. We will see how much funding we will be able to commit to this activity. We will map the terrain and identify the most needy families and get to work. Slowly we would like to start planning the construction of a house for Mariamu. The rainy season is not quite the right time to start construction. The roads are often completely destroyed and impassable after heavy downpours and it takes several days for them to dry out again. The place where Mariamu lives is difficult to reach, so we don't expect to be able to start with at least collecting some of the material. But we do plan to get an honest and skilled FUNDI (fundi is a common name for craftsmen of any kind) and prepare a costing and budget so that we know approximately what amount will need to be obtained. We will visit again some of the most vulnerable families and ease their daily worries little bit. We promised to buy flour for the nursery school, so we cannot forget about them. We would like to go deeper into the savannah to the driest and poorest areas, and see how we can be useful to children and families living in remote areas. And we can't forget ZACYDO. Let's see what suggestions they come up with :). I have lots of ideas in my head. We will see what we will realise. Time goes by very differently here. The conditions are much more difficult and it's not always easy to achieve what you wish. There are many obstacles and challenges. So we will let it all flow and see what comes our way. The important thing is to have a direction and move forward! :)

A puzzle. Kilimanjaro is hidden in six photos. Can you find it? :)